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How to Determine Which RAS Systems Machine Will Fit Your Operations

Jun 2, 2023


As the demand for increased productivity grows, many business owners are turning to sheet metal folding machines to streamline their processes. Without insight, however, it can be challenging to figure out which sheet metal folding machine is the best fit for your business.

To help in this process we have put together this helpful resource, filled with practical tips to consider when exploring machines. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision that will help you pick the ideal machine for your business.

Assess Your Production Needs and Constraints

To optimize your manufacturing process, it’s important to evaluate your production requirements and limitations. By considering these factors, you can achieve remarkable efficiency gains by incorporating RAS machines. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Determine your production requirements

Start by understanding how much you aim to produce daily. This will guide your investment in RAS machines, allowing you to meet your production goals effectively.

2. Identify production limitations

Assess your current processes to find any obstacles that hinder faster production without compromising quality. Common challenges include manual folding methods, material handling challenges, inconsistent results, and time-consuming procedures. RAS offers both semi-automatic and automatic machines to simplify the folding process, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and significant time savings.

3. Embrace future growth potential

RAS machines enable business expansion and long-term success. Consider your vision for the future and how these machines can help you achieve it. By streamlining production and meeting increasing demands, you can explore new opportunities in the sheet metal industry.

For more guidance on integrating new machinery into your production process, explore our comprehensive resource: Key Steps Of The Capital Equipment Purchasing Journey.

Consider Your Manufacturing Needs

When selecting a sheet metal folding machine, it’s essential to consider your specific manufacturing requirements. By assessing different factors, you can choose a machine that aligns perfectly with your production goals:

Length and Capacity

  1. Determine the length of the sheet metal pieces you frequently work with. This measurement will help you select a machine with the appropriate bending capabilities to accommodate your specific needs.
  2. Consider the thickness of the metal you typically handle. Different machines have varying capacities for bending different thicknesses of sheet metal. Ensure that the machine you choose can handle the thickness you require for your projects.
  3. Evaluate the available space in your facility. Consider the dimensions of the machine and ensure that it can fit comfortably within your designated area.

Capabilities of Machines

  1. Assess whether you need a machine capable of bending in both upward and downward directions. Some projects may require bends in both directions and selecting a machine with this capability will provide the versatility you need.
  2. Determine whether you primarily work with profiles, or if you also need to fold boxes. Different machines offer different capabilities in terms of the types of profiles and boxes they can efficiently fold. Select a machine that matches your specific folding requirements.

Types of Automation Needed

  1. Consider the level of automation required for your operations. Determine whether you need a semi-automated machine, where some manual input is necessary, or if an automatic machine is more suitable for your needs.
  2. Evaluate whether part programming is essential for your production process. Most of our machines allow for automatic part programming, streamlining your workflow and reducing manual intervention.

By carefully considering these manufacturing needs, you will select a sheet metal folding machine that meets your unique production demands. Keep these factors in mind as you explore different machine options, ensuring that you make an informed decision that enhances your efficiency and productivity.

Expert Tips for Choosing the Right RAS Machine

When selecting the ideal RAS machine for your business, our team has a few recommendations to consider.

We suggest consulting with industry experts, such as our knowledgeable team, who provide personalized recommendations based on our close relationship with all our machines. We understand the nuances of each machine and offer guidance that suits your specific business requirements.

When you reach out to us, we recommended that you sort your parts into groupings, if possible. These groupings can include high volume, difficult to produce, light/heavy, and/or future capacity.  Sending your parts sampling with some description of how it fits into your business helps RAS team members focus on what can positively impact your business the most.

Additionally, explore other RAS system users in your industry by visiting our industry pages. See how other businesses in your field have utilized RAS machines and learn from their experiences. You can gain insights into the types of machines they use and how these machines have benefited their operations.

We also recommend reaching out to professionals in your field to gather firsthand opinions and experiences. Engaging with others who are already using RAS machines can provide valuable insights to inform your decision-making process.

Assessing your production needs and considering expert advice will help you choose the right RAS machine for your business. Want to see firsthand how RAS Systems machines can improve your operations? Contact us now to schedule a demo or to learn more about how our machines can help your business.

RAS Systems LLC was founded in 1992 near Atlanta, Georgia, and is a market leader in North America and worldwide for metal cutting, bending, and forming machines and the software that controls them. Its major markets are roofing and architectural, HVAC, electrical enclosures, machine covers and housings, signage, appliances, elevators, lighting fixtures, industrial kitchen equipment, metal furniture, steel doors and windows, and other precision sheet metal fabrication. If you have any questions regarding folding machines please contact us for more information or request a quote today!